Coaching certification for spring flag football 

The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) provides a free program called the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) which includes standardized, inclusive, and safe sport education for coaches.

We require ALL coaches to create an NCCP Number at “The Locker”. Once you have your NCCP Number log into “The Locker” and complete the following courses:

  1. Making Headway Concussion eLearning - Click here for more information about this course (Approx. 45 minutes to complete).
  2. Safe Sport Course - Click here for more information about this course (Approx. 45 minutes to complete).
  3. Once you have completed these online courses please email the coaching coordinator your NCCP#

Note: British Columbia Provincial Football Association (BCPFA), in accordance with Football Canada (FC) mandates, provides clinics for novice community coaching, safe contact, and introduction to competition each year. , Making Ethical Decisions (MED) training should be taken prior to taking the online evaluation.


As a non-profit organization that provides a football program to the youth in our community, it is the policy of South Delta Rams to ensure all coaches and council members have an annual Criminal Record Check completed.

All South Delta Rams volunteers aged 19 years or older must have a completed Criminal Record Check (CRC) 

You require a CRC if you are 19 years of age or older and serving as a:

If you are 19 years of age or older and serving as a:

  • Coach
  • Assistant Coach
  • Team Manager
  • Trainer

If you are a member of:

  • Club Executive

CRC Process

This system now uses your BC Services card ID for an easier, more efficient process. 

Once your CRC has been completed a copy will be sent to the coaching coordinator, SD Rams will keep it on file for 2 years.


Code - SAN2TYG7TZ (case sensitive so enter as shown)


South Delta Rams Football Club has approximately 300 players and our objective is to leave a positive impression in the South Delta community.

Our organization's goal is for every member of our club to conduct themselves as a respected leader and role model among their peers. On the field, our player's attitudes will reflect intensity, grit, and sportsmanship. It is the responsibility of our coaches to act in a manner that reflects these values.

Coaches play a crucial role in youth development and our Rams mindset is to support each other through all situations, on and off the field. We are indebted to everyone for donating their time and effort to the players and supporting our program. 

If you are interested in volunteering please contact our coaching coordinator

Tyler Treftlin:

we are all rams!!

PO Box 18082
1215C 56th Street
Delta, BC
V4L 2M4